How Much Money You Can Earn in Portugal | Living Cost in Portugal 2023 | পর্তুগালে মাসে ইনকাম কত?

In this Blog I have explained the Best way that you can save money in Portugal while you can do the best shopping.


So In my opinion wherever you go please use the local shopping centre so that you can get the best price . So in Portugal there are few local shopping center available. For instance continente , Pingo doce , Liddle , Auchan , Aldi and little 2 or 3 center . If you prefer to buy from there physically then you can save good amount of money rather than buy something from others local store . For online purchases. You can use Bolt Food Getir Bairro These three online platform is good for the first time purchase because you have a good amount of discount left . They give you good amount of promotion when you opened your account so don't miss this opportunity Now talking about the income and expenses. From January 2023 .
I think Portuguese government increased the basic salary. Now you can earn upto 765€ per month if you do any portuguesa jobs . And Living expenses are according this . Please do watch this whole video then you will understand the full video.
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